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CD review Jazzism In The Moment 2013


"Iman Spaargaren Undercurrent sounds tight and flexible at the same time. On top of it, the gentlemen prove to be able to swing a great deal. Spaargaren develops himself into an interesting composer" (Ken Vos, Jazzism, September 2013).
Iman Spaargaren
In The Moment

Undercurrent is a new band of saxophonist Iman Spaargaren for which he wrote compositions while being on tour with his Quartet during last year's Young VIPs-tour. Undercurrent is also a quartet, half of the personnel being the same as his other Quartet. Here's the dryly intoning double bassplayer Cord Heineking, while Guillermo Celano is the new guitar player. The drummer is Jasper van Hulten.
Tight, light-footed playing is a garantee, but it's mainly the compositions that give the album a special quality. Spaargaren experiments with the sound of his compositions and hence suggests multiple emotional layers for solo's. The choice of Celano is obvious, because this guitar player has a extremely big vocabulary of sounds.
Despite the variation in moods, the band sounds tight and flexible at the same time. On top of it, the gentlemen prove to be able to swing a great deal.
Spaargaren develops himself into an interesting composer (Ken Vos, Jazzism, September 2013).

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