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New Single 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes' by Undercurrent Orchestra



My upcoming album Everything Seems Different echoes the range of feelings and state of mind of the past 1,5 year. A period not only for me, but just about for everyone on this globe an alienating, complicated, sometimes frightening and even life-threatening period due to the arrival of a malicious virus. I wrote a bunch of new compositions, but in my longing for the peace and pace of 'the good old times' I decided to add my interpretation of the classic hit Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Jerome Kern.

Line up:
Iman Spaargaren - clarinet Annie Tångberg - cello Gerard Kleijn - trumpet Joost Buis - trombone Guillermo Celano - guitar Marcos Baggiani - drums

The Undercurrent Orchestra is a collective of acclaimed musicians from the Amsterdam music scene. The strong interaction between the players produces exciting – and cinematic - music. Dreamy soundscapes, solid grooves and burning improvisations create strong stories in multiple layers.

Debut Album 'Everything Seems Different' coming up soon! Released on Zennez Records!