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Review Everything Seems Different at Jazzword


"While there are impressive contributions from Spaargaren, whose timbres are correctly Cool or appropriately hot on both his horns, the string players, percussionist and brass player, the standout soloist is the highly versatile Buis" (Ken Waxman, Jazzword).
Undercurrent Orchestra
Everything Seems Different
Zennez Records

The Undercurrent Orchestra often melds Jazz and Blues inflections and European – sometimes faux-formalist or Middle European – suggestion in the same performance then adds more. On “Los Zapatos” for instance the vibrating cello introduction gives way to hopping reggae-like drumming, a moderated trumpet solo and then chunky guitar flanges, which before a loping climax exposes some near Dixieland  brass plunger cries. Harmonic instrumental concordance is highlighted as well, as on the concluding “Waltz For Undecided Minds & The Art Of Decision Making”. Although it seems as if the tune’s cello sweeps and clarion horn section cushions are going to define a moderated call-and-response sequence. That is until unexpected tone spurts from tenor saxophone, rerattling drum ratamacues and rugged guitar flanges push the piece past pleasant to polyrhythms,

While there are impressive contributions from Spaargaren, whose timbres are correctly Cool or appropriately hot on both his horns, the string players, percussionist and brass player, the standout soloist is the highly versatile Buis.  He can create perpendicular accompaniment as on “Waiting Room”, with its roots in brass band marches. But he can also  turn around on tracks such as “Scène Onderbroken Door Inkomend Telefoongesprek” to break out from an exposition built around chalumeau register clarinet and buzzing cello tones with effervescent blowing that personalizes an interlude of descriptive plunger tones accompanied only by guitar chording (Ken Waxman, Jazzword).


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