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Review Everything Seems Different in Muziekwereld


"Spherical, cinematic, melancholic, and sometimes quite dark melody lines compete with pieces from which we can draw comfort and hope" (Peter Boertje, Muziekwereld, NtB)
Undercurrent Orchestra
Everything Seems Different
Zennez Records

Ja, Wat Bedoel Ik? [Yes, what do I mean?] is the opening track of the album and also the statement that the band makes with 11 compositions led by Iman Spaargaren: we live in a special time in which nothing is certain anymore, but there are also opportunities to do better in the future. Spherical, cinematic, melancholic, and sometimes quite dark melody lines compete with pieces from which we can draw comfort and hope. Exactly as Iman and his band mean?
The closing track 'Smoke Gets In Your Eyes' is a free adaptation of the famous work from the interbellum; to indicate that we sometimes wrongly long for a so-called good old time, which in the end turns out not to be so nice after all. We now have the chance to do better, the six musicians seem to want to tell us. An inviting perspective, offered by this album (Peter Boertje, Muziekwereld, NtB)

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