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Review Undercurrent Trio's High Tide Low Tide in Nederlands Dagblad


"Musical extremes define this interesting, compelling album" (Johan Bakker, Nederlands Dagblad)

"High Tide Low Tide" is an album with a message: the Undercurrent Trio is very concerned about the developments in the world. This concern is purely musical and the message is not too exposed. For example, "Man Bear Pig" refers to an episode of South Park that relates to climate change. Musically, that change takes shape through a sweet, melodic beginning that gradually turns into increasing dissonant derailments. Musical extremes define this interesting, compelling album. The Dutch saxophonist Iman Spaargaren, the Argentinian percussionist / drummer Marcos Baggiani and the also Argentinian guitarist Guillermo Celano play explosive songs in which they explore the limits of improvisation, but they also perform a contemporary interpretation of Bach's music, for example. Even "Dream a Little Dream of Me", which is known as a light-hearted tune, is played in a meaningful way. Iman Spaargaren recently attracted attention with beautiful contributions to the Chopin and Mussorgski projects of the StarkLinnemann Quartet, but this trio also deserves to be heard.

Review High Tide Low Tide in Nederlands Dagblad

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